Welcome to the online application for the Employee Training Incentive Program (ETIP).

The Employee Training Incentive Program provides refundable tax credits to New York State employers for skills training that upgrade, retrains or improves the productivity of their employees. Businesses can also receive tax credits for approved internship programs that provide training in advanced technology, life sciences, software development or clean energy.

Tax credits may be awarded for costs associated with an eligible training program for current and new employees, or for internship programs for current students, recent graduates, and recent members of the armed forces. Tax credits may be issued only after approved training is completed.

For the Employee Skills Training Component, a business may qualify for a credit of 50% of eligible training costs, up to $10,000 per employee receiving eligible training. For the Internship Component, a business may qualify for a credit of 50% of the stipend paid to an intern, up to $3,000 per intern.

The purpose of the initial application is to make a preliminary determination of whether your business meets the Program requirements and, if so, to establish an eligibility date. Only eligible employee or internship training costs incurred AFTER the eligibility date will qualify for the tax credit. Further, a final application must be submitted within 24 months of the eligibility date.

A final determination of eligibility and the amount of tax credit your business qualifies for will be made based on the final application.

Before you begin the application process, we encourage you to review the Program Overview and ETIP Regulations on our website. Important definitions and eligibility criteria are defined in the regulations. Key definitions you should review before completing this application are underlined.

If you have questions, please feel free to email sm.economic-incentives@esd.ny.gov


There are two components to the Employee Training Incentive Program. Indicate below which one(s) you are applying for: *
Employee Skills Training Component
Internship Component

Applicant Information

Organization Legal Name *
DBA (If Applicable)
Primary Contact First Name *
Primary Contact Last Name *
Primary Contact Street Address (1) *
Primary Contact Street Address (2)
Primary Contact City *
Primary Contact State *
Primary Contact Zip Code (use ZIP+4 if known) *
Primary Contact Telephone Number (include area code) *
Primary Contact Email Address *
Organization Website
Type of Organization *
Organizational Ownership *

Third Party Contact (If applicable)

If you are a third party (i.e. consultant, accountant or attorney) completing this application on behalf of the applicant, please provide the following information:
First Name
Last Name
Legal Name of Organization
Street Address 1
Street Address 2

Employee Skills Training Component

If you selected the Employee Skills Training Component, the following attestations must be completed by the primary contact (or third party on his or her behalf) for the business to qualify for this component.
As the primary contact for the applicant, I attest that: *
The business Does NOT operate predominately in one of the following industries: retail and wholesale, restaurant, real estate, law firm or legal services, medical or dental practice, hospitality, financial services, personal services, business administration support services, accounting firms, provides utilities or businesses engaged in generation or distribution of electricity, natural gas or steam production associated with the generation of electricity.
The Training Program is designed to upgrade, retrain or improve the productivity of employees, but is NOT designed to train or upgrade skills as required by a federal or state entity.
The Training Program will NOT result in the awarding of a license or certificate required by law to perform a job function.
The Training Program is NOT culturally focused.
The Training Program will take place within New York State to employees and is related to a significant capital investment.
The business can demonstrate that it is a strategic industry based on one or more of the following criteria:
Shortages of workers trained to work within the applicant’s industry.
Technological disruption in the applicant’s industry, requiring significant capital investment for existing businesses to remain competitive.
The ability and need of the applicant to relocate outside of the state to attract talent.
The potential of the applicant to recruit minorities and women to be trained to work in an industry in which they are traditionally underrepresented, or
The potential of the applicant to create jobs in economically distressed areas, which shall be based on criteria indicative of economic distress, as defined by the Commissioner, including poverty rates, proportion of households receiving public assistance and unemployment rates.
The Training Program has not yet commenced.
Please provide the following information about the estimated capital investment and eligible training costs:
$ Amount of Capital Investment. *
$ Amount of total eligible training costs associated with the skills training program. *
Eligible training costs are incremental costs relating to the training, including certain supplies, materials, equipment, meeting space, transportation costs, and child-care expenses OR fees charged by a third-party training provider. Lodging and food and beverage expenses are excluded.
Number of employees to be trained. *
Estimated tax credit (50% of eligible training costs up to $10,000 per employee trained). *
In the final application you will be asked to explain how the capital investment is related to the skills training program for which you are seeking assistance. Further, the capital investment must equal or exceed $10 for every $1 of tax credit allowed. The final tax credit award may be adjusted to ensure this 10:1 requirement is met.

The applicant will also have to show a business need for the training.

Internship Component

If you selected the Internship Component, the following attestations must be completed by the primary contact (or third party on his or her behalf) for the business to qualify for this component.
As the primary contact for the applicant, I attest that:
The business has fewer than 100 employees.
The internship program will be provided by an approved provider.
The approved provider that will conduct the internship program training:
Is a business entity providing internship training in advanced technology, life sciences, software development or clean energy; or
Is a business entity providing interns pursuant to a contract with a business entity employing the intern receiving training in advanced technology, life sciences, software development or clean energy that:
The internship program will not exceed 12 months in duration.
The internship program will be located in New York State, and is designed for current students, recent graduates, and/or recent members of the armed forces.
The internship program Is designed for interns who have not previously participated in an eligible internship program and who are not current or former employees of the business.
The internship program will not displace employees of the business entity.
The internship program has not yet commenced
Please provide the following estimated information:
Amount of stipend per intern
Number of interns
Total stipends to be paid to interns
Estimated tax credit (50% of the stipend up to $3,000 per intern)
The internship curriculum will be requested for review as part of the final application as will evidence that the stipends were paid. Further, information will be requested to verify that the training was conducted by an approved provider.

Additional Project Information

What is the first project year (the year in which the training program, capital investment or internship program begins)? *
What is the approximate end date of the training or internship program? *
Project Description. *Concisely describe the project, indicating the location, what will be planned, designed, acquired, and/or constructed, the issues/opportunities to be addressed, and expected outcomes and deliverables. Additional details will be requested during review of the final application.
How many individuals will you seek to place into jobs following completion of the training program?
Where in NYS will the eligible training take place?
Training Location Name *
Street Address 1 *
Street Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Is this project also receiving funding from the local Industrial Development Agency? 
If Yes, through what IDA?  *
What is the net value of IDA exemptions provided (meaning the exemption, minus any pilot payments)?  *
Is this project receiving funds from another NYS agency, authority, or NYS tax incentive program (Y/N)? 
If Yes, through which agency?  *
In what amount?  *
Through what program?  *
How many workers are employed by the applicant at time of application (in terms of full-time equivalents, i.e. positions that are 35 or more hours per week)?
Total FTEs at all locations in NYS *
Total FTEs at the Project Site(s) *
How many part-time workers (positions that are less than 35 hours per week) are employed by the applicant at time of application?
Total PTs at all location in NYS *
Total PTs at the Project Site(s) *


By entering your name in the box below, you certify that you are authorized on behalf of the applicant and its governing body to submit this application. You further certify that all of the information contained in this Application and in all statements, data and supporting documents which have been made or furnished for the purpose of receiving assistance for the project described in this application, are true, correct and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief. You acknowledge that offering a written instrument knowing that the written instrument contains a false statement or false information, with the intent to defraud the State or any political subdivision, public authority or public benefit corporation of the State, with the knowledge or belief that it will be filed with or recorded by the State or any political subdivision, public authority or public benefit corporation of the State, constitutes a crime under New York State Law.
Pursuant to section 443(2) of the New York State Economic Development Law: As the preparer of this application, I attest to being an authorized representative of the applicant and, by placing my name in the box below, I hereby: *
Agree to allow the Department of Taxation and Finance to share tax information with the Department of Economic Development. However, any information shared as a result of this agreement shall not be available for disclosure or inspection under the State Freedom of Information Law,
Agree to allow the Department of Labor to share tax and employer information with the Department of Economic Development. However, any information shared as a result of this agreement shall not be available for disclosure or inspection under the State Freedom of Information Law,
Allow the Department and its agents access to any and all books and records the Department of Economic Development may require to monitor compliance,
Provide a clear and detailed presentation of all related persons as defined in subparagraph (c) of paragraph 3 of subsection (b) of section 465 of the Internal Revenue Code to the applicant to assure the Department of Economic Development that any jobs indicated in this application are not being shifted within the State.
Certify, under penalty of perjury, that no employees of the applicant shall be displaced as a result of the internship program.
Certify, under penalty of perjury, that the applicant is in substantial compliance with all environmental, worker protection, and local, state and federal tax laws.
Applicants will need to reassert these certifications at the time of the final application.